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Are Your Sugar Cravings all “in Your Head”?

The first step to changing your relationship to food is to understand that relationship. Once you understand the biological mechanics around food cravings, you can take steps to make lasting changes to your diet that will leave you happier, healthier and not feeling deprived. Let’s get brainy…

Creating an Honorable Gut (A Gut with Integrity) and Ditching the Leaky One

If you have food sensitivities—you have leaky gut. If you have bacterial overgrowth, candida overgrowth or a parasitic infection—you have leaky gut. If you have an autoimmune disease, you at one time had leaky gut and may still have it. It may be responsible for autoimmune diseases, all food sensitivities, and the development of all sorts of nasty opportunistic critter take-overs.