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A Swedish Study published in April 2011 by Fertility and Sterility found that untreated celiac disease may not hurt fertility in men as previously thought. Great news right? We can all relax, eat some bread and continue spawning children with celiac disease–right? Unfortunately, no… Once again, inequity rears its nasty head!

Maybe You Just Need Some Good Bacteria in Your Life?

Just as spiritual health is a journey requiring balancing of inner beauty, love, joy, creativity and inner peace with worldly interactions; so is physical health a journey of creating bacterial balance between the “good” and the “bad.” There are over one hundred trillion bacteria living in our guts with 400 to 500 different types, weighing …

Our skin is a detoxification organ—we excrete toxins through our sweat. And boy do we have a lotta toxins to excrete! We are bombarded daily with tobacco, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, car exhaust, food allergens, sugar, bacteria, viruses, yeast, and more. Our liver is overwhelmed trying to clear all of these toxins, which can …