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One Simple Step to End Your 3pm Slump & Sugar Cravings

The loss of control, as though a demon takes over, at 3pm EVERY day. EVERY day it seems that people all over get “the afternoon slump,” where they have no energy and turn to sugar and refined carbs, unconsciously to boost their energy through a boost in blood sugar.

Why New Year’s Healthy Eating Resolutions Don’t Work But What Will

The holiday season provides more than enough time to turn our bad eating habits into a full-blown bad lifestyle change—habit with momentum! That is why I suggest shifting the momentum and changing your habits quickly, for the first month while you are invested in the intentions of New Year’s resolutions to change the tide of unhealthy eating habits you set during the holidays.

Why Doing a Cleanse May Endanger Your Health

If you breathe, eat, drink water or use electronics in this modern world, than you need to detoxify. We are exposed to harmful chemicals every day, even if you’re careful with the products you use.  But how do we detox in a safe way?