We all know that too high of sugar consumption risks negative effects on our health. Over the holidays, starting with Halloween, we often have sugar as a “special occasion” (*wink wink). It’s important to not deprive ourselves however the risk with Halloween is over-consumption of candy with “crack bowls” (umm… candy bowls) everywhere. The effect sugar can have on our blood sugar can throw us into a cycle of sugar cravings and reliance on alcohol and sugar to feel “normal” again. We end up going into the winter holidays with mood fluctuations and sugar cravings that set us up to fail. In this video I share a simple step to prevent the blood sugar roller coaster from Halloween sugaring!
Need more support? Go much deeper on the topic of breaking sugar addiction with this video tutorial that discusses multiple causes of sugar cravings and how to break that addiction beyond blood sugar balance. Check out this video for my super secret supplement trick (shhh!!!) for kicking sugar addiction. Need some quick and easy blood sugar balancing breakfast ideas? Breakfast recipes and ideas.
Minimizing Sugar Abundance for Your Family and Kids During Halloween
- When treats come back – Throw them in the freezer (the treats, not the kids) and dole them out one a night after dinner
- Only allow treat consumption in the presence of healthy protein and fiber to balance blood sugar
- Purchase healthier Halloween candy and trade out yours for theirs (and don’t eat what you trade out)
- Trade their candy for money or toys or fun activities the kids choose (and don’t eat their candy!)
- Store candy out of sight such as in the freezer or a high cupboard
- Send them out to trick or treat with a full tummy and plenty of protein to keep their blood sugar balanced and decrease how much candy they eat on the road
- Make a plan with the kids before Halloween and the collection of candy booty so they aren’t upset when they don’t get to eat it all at once
- Have them help prepare healthy cookies or treats they can come home to – healthier but more enjoyable than cracky candy
- Allow some splurging or your kids will horde candy and sneak it
- Coordinate a healthier Halloween with your neighbors
- Adults & teens should be role models for eating Halloween candy in moderation and choosing healthier options
- Keep active – perhaps only splurge on leftover candy after doing a fun outdoor physical activity together
- Healthier Halloween candy ideas for kids.
Healthier Halloween Ideas for Adults
- All the family tips, are true for the adults too! Moderation, putting candy out of sight, being physically active,etc.
- Still allow yourself indulgences, but control them, so that you don’t go out of control later
- Procrastinate: To avoid temptation, buy your candy for trick or treaters at the last minute and get rid of any leftovers via shelters or through your office
- Choose healthier snacks and treats or non-food items to hand-out so that you aren’t tempted by leftovers
- Eat before going to Halloween parties so your blood sugar doesn’t drop and you lose control and go crazy at the sugar buffet table
- Keep healthy snacks and healthyish foods that you really love at work and school so that you have better options to splurge on then everyone’s leftover candy from Halloween. My healthy loves are: dark chocolate, olives, artichoke hearts, avocadoes, fruit, nuts, seeds, toasted shredded coconut, plantain chips, etc.
- Bring a protein dish and a healthy dessert to share to any Halloween party so your needs are covered
- Draw focus to costumes, a celebration of magic, fear of the dead, etc. instead of candy on Halloween