Finding certainty in nature is one of the best ways to ground ourselves right now. We need only to look at the moon to be reminded that we have certainty, we have grounding, we have continuity that isn’t going away no matter how much the rest of our world changes.
Connecting with nature is a great way to stay grounded right now:
Whether that is planting a garden and watching the cycle of life happen from seed to fruiting and collecting that seed again.
Or whether that is spending time each day letting the sun hit us (inside from a window or outside on a walk or on the porch).
And spending each night looking up to see where the moon is in her cycle.
She will be full again on April 7. Again. An important word. That continuity. That consistency. When we don’t have enough of that in our lives, look to it in nature. It is there. Always. We are held in her cycles every month and every year as the seasons change.
Know you are okay. It is okay to be turning inward. It is okay to be expanding outward. It is okay to be doing both!
Our lives, just like the moon and just like the seasons go through growth phases and internal phases of contemplation. Be easy on yourself. It’s okay to not have your life look like everyone else’s right now. Maybe you are super invigorated right now, growing and offering support in your communities. Or maybe you are spending a lot of quiet time in solitude and peace, getting to know yourself again. And you may find that tomorrow you will be different again. Our bodies, our emotions, our motivation goes in cycles too just like nature.
If you are feeling a lot of uncertainty right now. Turn to the moon. Connect with her phases. Turn to the plants and connect to their cycles of growth. We are surrounded by a grounding force of consistency and hope in nature. Let her hold you during this uncertain time.
Where have you been finding grounding and consistency in your life?