Watching just three minutes of negative news in the morning makes viewers 27% more likely to report having a bad day 6-8 hours later versus individuals consuming transformative stories of resilience, growth, possibilities, and solutions who reported having a good day 88% of the time!
Water is the most essential “nutrient” that our brain needs to function properly. It is estimated that about 80% of the North American population suffers from energy loss due to minor dehydration. Even mild dehydration of just a body water loss of 1% (which can occur through routine daily activities) impairs cognitive performance, resulting in poor concentration, decreased reaction time, and short-term memory problems, as well as moodiness and anxiety. Depression and anxiety can both be induced through low levels of dehydration!
Calm the body of anxiety, fears, overwhelm, and overthinking by self-stimulating two acupressure points I share in 2 video tutorials. These are points I stimulate using Medical Qigong practices with my clients but can also easily be self-stimulated through acupressure.