You promise yourself that today will be different. You won’t gravitate toward that donut at the office, you won’t eat a piece of that birthday cake at the party, you’ll stock up on broccoli and carrot sticks to prevent needing to eat that junk. You can do it. You can do it. Just do it. But…
Jolted out of my slumber. Sitting straight up I look around. I start to panic. There is a man there watching me sleep. I yell at him and try to make myself feel big. I clumsily clamor for the knife I know I have hidden under my mattress somewhere. Somewhere… Where is it? I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate. What is he doing in my room? Why is he just sitting there? Why doesn’t he say anything? Questions…
I remember the first time I attended a gluten free vendor fair. I was aghast! I felt as though I had stepped into a nightmare or a horror flick with hoards of zombies…pasty faced, walking stiff…uncomfortable… Thankfully, fixated not on eating my brains, but on eating as much of the gluten free processed food manufacturers’ samples as humanly possible. Half crazed, awaiting their next white sugar, starchy, processed food fix.