black lives matter

I stand in solidarity with BIPOC & allies in denouncing police brutality, racialized violence and systemic oppression in all forms.
I may not always know the best actions to take, but I WILL take action and I will admit when I am wrong and learn from my mistakes.

Kathleen Bauer, Nourished Health

Nourishing body wisdom in sensitives & empaths to heal inflammation, pain, digestive issues, anxiety & fatigue to show up powerfully & authentically

"What if your health issue is actually an opportunity to emerge more resilient, in joy, in love with life, and more confident than ever?"

~ Kathleen Bauer~

Meet Kathleen

My private practice for over a decade was focused on autoimmune conditions, digestive health and the gut-brain axis, with very left-brain pursuits of tracking food consumption, creating meal plans, and measuring and evaluating blood, stool, saliva, and urine tests. Oh and cooking classes, of course. I was a steadfast believer that the key to all health is based on what we choose to eat and that this health can be measured and tracked by lab tests. There was so much I was wrong about.

Yes, digestive health is essential and I still focus on how we choose to nourish ourselves, but see now that nourishment extends far beyond food, just as our health extends far beyond our body. That there is more to the gut-brain axis than vagus nerve operation and inflammation. That there is more to health than lab test results. There are so many lessons to be learned from dis-ease, from imbalances, from our cravings, from our twisting paths, from what we avoid and what we gravitate toward, from the choices we make and the effects they have on us, and from our stuck emotions and beliefs.

  • What have you learned on your path? Why are you here? What is your soul telling you?
  • What is your body crying out to teach you? Your bowel movements screaming at you? What is your digestive health reflecting from the rest of your life?
  • What is the purpose of your feeling depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, in joy, at peace, carefree, and/or uncertain? What is the lesson? Are you learning or avoiding it?
  • What does changing your health without changing the conditions mean for the path that you are on?
  • What is your purpose? How are you living your passion? Where are your lessons and have you learned them?
  • Do you use food to avoid your purpose? Is your inflammation a lesson, part of your path, or a distraction?
  • What are you avoiding by avoiding food or a specific macronutrient? What hole are you trying to fill by over-eating? What are you really afraid of that food is a stand-in for?

What are you doing about answering these questions – where are you focusing your energy? If you are stuck in dis-ease, in inflammation, in digestive distress, in anxiety or depression, are you continuing to seek out the same solutions and getting the same results?

Please note that I am currently on a sabbatical from working one-on-one with clients. Please feel free to reach out if you desire a referral to another practitioner or simply to say “Hi”!

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DIVE IN! Food for the soul!

In practice
15 YRS
Happy one-on-one clients
Happy Organizations
"It's a lot easier to give myself self compassion now that I'm more grounded, less fatigued, etc. I also have lesser of a need for it. By moving away from a perfectionist mindset, it's becoming easier for me to focus on the positive of the moment and worry lesser about getting things right, the future, etc. I guess you could say I'm more mindful now and live for the present moment. I feel a lot more joyful and peaceful as a result. I think we should keep doing what we're doing. The results are really great."
"I’m stepping out of what I think was “survival mode.” Now I’m remembering what it’s like to not be stressed and enjoy life and such. So healthy productivity doesn’t sound bad at all :)"
“Im having an easier time expressing what im feeling these days too. Im cautious but truthful im focused more on what i feel at the moment. I let myself have the moment.It feels more clear.”
Katie, I feel a lot better - more peaceful and feel a release. I also wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen and speak with me. I don’t say enough how much I appreciate your time, patience, and knowledge. I feel stronger and more sure of myself and it has to do with how willing you are to listen and provide feedback and resources. I cherish the relationship we have here. Just thank you a lot... It’s truly been life changing for me and I can’t say enough good things.
I think that with your assistance I have been able to successfully work through the challenges that I wasn’t sure how I would be able to overcome. I have reinstated wellness practices that I had lost touch with, learned to listen to my gut again and have reaffirmed my belief that we are all capable of creating magic with a little hard work…. I truly appreciate your guidance and assistance while I worked through all of this…. thank you!
Change is so challenging, I know I always do great, but the unknown is scary. Thank you for all the time we worked! You helped more than you can ever know! Thank you for seeing me as more than I ever could see! ...I can’t thank you enough for helping me through the worst time in my life and your patience as I grew and changed! With tears I write this, you have been a very important part of my team!
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the way you speak to me. After a run in with a few people today, I’ve noticed how much love/appreciation/care your words carry and I really feel valued. So thank you!
I’ve been holding on so tightly to everything since my mom - because I didn’t want to lose control or feel uncomfortable/hurt. That I’ve really been missing out on just living. And trusting. And it’s still super scary as I begin to plan for work and slowly jump back into it, because I don’t want to let my family down (or myself). But there is also a sweet peace and freedom I have underneath the nervousness that I’ve been searching for for a long time. When we first started our work together we had to define values and one of my personal values was freedom. And I see how I’m more capable of riding life’s waves and ENJOY it without shattering when something goes wrong. I’m not going to lie, something going wrong still freaks the heck out of me, but I’m so much happier and more mindful. I know that if it goes wrong or I experience failure I have the tenacity to work hard and the creativity to figure it out…. I feel like I’ve found a close friend and coach and appreciate all you’ve done.
Just being cognizant of the fact that uncertainty is a part of life and it making life exciting has really helped me respond to that negative talk. I definitely don’t see my negative talk as a real part of my personality anymore and more a defence mechanism…. I don’t think I’ve really said this before, but thank you for equipping me with the tools needed to move through it. I definitely felt really alone dealing with it before.
Self-esteem and hence, confidence seems to have gotten good boost. I am enjoying this, and feeling more content within. It's constant work though….I am also reading my self esteem messages regularly. And even as I am reading, I feel better...Thank you Katie, I'm feeling focused and happy that I have a game plan on improving myself. I appreciate you and your help
Last year was really bleak and I was constantly depressed, I’m trying to make a big change in the new year and these talks have definitely helped motivate me. I feel a lot better these days. My self esteem is returning and I feel hopeful again...Even just a couple of weeks ago I would just lay in bed for hours and not talk to anyone. It feels so different now. Making a change is easier said than done but taking small steps week by week makes it a lot more manageable
They say people come into your life for a reason, and with that bringing something we must learn. And I think we are led to those, who help us learn to grow, if we let them (That’s where my intention of acceptance comes in)... I know I’m who I am today because I knew you.... So much of me is made up of what I have learned from you and you will always be with me in my heart... I know you have rewritten my life because you were my friend ( if it’s ok to call you that instead of coach) and i will be eternally grateful. You don’t know how much you have helped me...
I want to thank you for all your help! ...You’ve helped me through an incredible year of milestones
A lot of my worry has started to fade. I feel pretty calm and happy. I'm still working on my to do list but I'm not panicking over it anymore.
I’m feeling good about life right now, and ready to move on with things, so I’m excited too! :).. our weekly talks help me A LOT! And I always appreciate your time and the talks and the steps you set me up for 🙂 thanks again!!
I have really been appreciating your willingness to work with me on the stressors as they have been coming up. There have been a couple of sudden changes the last little while, and it has helped tremendously to have tools to deal with them
Thank you Katie 🙂 I feel confident for the future now! It’s always a pleasure to talk with you Katie and I’m so thankful for your encouragement.
The character Finch wanted to live. He saved a girl who wanted to commit suicide but in the end he didn’t know how to save himself. It was sad. It made me think that there was a time I was so close to that too, being so depressed. And a lot of people probably on the same boat as I am, but the difference is I got some help and support and was able to manage those negative thoughts in my head… You’ve been such tremendous help. I’m much happier and loving myself now. It’s amazing. I mean I still have my bad days but it doesn’t cripple me like it once did… Thank you Katie… You’re a wonderful person doing wonderful things.
I am thinking a lot about my coaching journey so far. One of the popular phrases recently at our firm is “Don’t go at it alone”. My embracing our weekly chats over the past months I feel has definitely shown me that trying to tackle an issue or a dilemma in isolation is self defeating and uninspired… You have so much knowledge and calm to bring to your new clients - they are all lucky to have you as their coach.
I feel like the work we've done in 3/4 months has surpassed what I've been trying to do the last 4 years. Emotionally and with business
Normally I wouldn’t take a more proactive approach on leadership. I was always afraid and doubting myself. Our sessions have helped me to do things out of my comfort zone.
“I’m an emotional person and that is probably my greatest strength but at the same time it could also create some challenges for me. I thank you for helping me learn more about me and the tools available to me when I face emotional challenges….I have been definitely better with our sessions… You’ve been a great help in my journey. I can’t thank you enough.”
"Since we began our sessions I felt I handle my emotions better than before. Even my coworkers notice a change. One even called me a happy man. And that he’s envious. 🤣 If he only knew the stress I go through everyday Whether that’s phantom or real one. I think I’m just getting better managing them which is awesome.”
“Thanks so much! That was very powerful and you really helped me look at the underlying issues...I’m so grateful for YOU, Katie. You are amazing. Thanks with all my heart for your incredible insights, intuition and support... You have been epic and beyond helpful as always...
I love this. I truly know that I continually do things that does not make my heart happy. Which is causing my depression anxiety lack of sleep and health problems. But finding what truly makes me happy that also makes a livable income has always burdened and scared me. Thank you so much for this… thank you for your continuous guidance, very thankful for you! 🙂
Again with my sessions with you and the tools you have introduced me to I’m making progress everyday thanks to you… Thanks for listening and coaching me on how to manage me better. I feel like if I have bad days or frustrated I bounce back quicker now… As always, thanks for all you do.
I really appreciate everything you've helped me with and for always being so supportive and understanding. I am feeling very confident in my abilities to manage my anxiety 🙂 I will continue to apply the techniques you have taught me. Thank you for everything 🙂 Thank you so much Katie! I have really enjoyed our sessions.
I've been through much worse. Age gives you perspective and you have helped me dig out of the burden of depression. Activity seems to be the antidote this time. Depression is an evil son if a bitch and it screws up your perceptions and decision making capabilities. I was in a hole when I reached out... In a short while we have come a long way. You are my secret weapon. Heehee… Thank you (bow) you have helped very much indeed.
The biggest aha was that this is doable, I can conquer my feelings and be in control. I can love myself and get over my inferiority complex. Before, it felt like a huge stampede of feelings within me that I just avoided and never dissected through the way we did. And this made negativity less impactful. And I am realizing that the easier choice would've been to move on and leave. I am staying in, fighting with my demons and embracing them in every way. Makes me feel good. I also think it's a huge reality moment. There are some parts that are downright ugly, but as soon as I'm willing to accept them for what they are, it makes me feel that I can conquer them. 🙂 thank you I am less fearful of bad thoughts and feelings. I am trying more hard to go deep but I feel I have gone through all major anxiety inducing thoughts, which is probably why I am not getting as worried as before. It's not totally comfortable but I am way less anxious now. It's all about perspective and changing it to see negativities positively, if it makes sense. I am trying to be more action oriented.
I got a new job! 🙂 I’m really excited... I think it’s the right step in my career. I was feeling very limited/stagnant in my growth at my current company.... I am looking forward to this change. I’m mostly excited to be passionate about my work again 🙂 You were the one who pushed me!!
I am so much more aware of the self criticism and the anger with myself is much less. Knowing and understanding where the anger comes from and gaining some closure with issues I have never really dealt with helped. I knew it was going to be better but such huge changes I didn’t expect.
It's been a challenging year for me, maybe my biggest yet. It was challenging because I had to work on some of the bigger emotional areas of my life that I've neglected for so long. For me the biggest challenges have been experiencing a serious relationship that then brokedown in an unfortunate way, tackling my perfectionism and negativity, dealings with feelings of loneliness and isolation, etc. I've grown a lot through the process, and a lot of it was possible because I was able to connect with you and we were able to navigate through a lot of that. Now I'm reaching a point where I'm sort of "accepting" the situation. I've accepted that this is who I am and these are the challenges I'm facing. And with acceptance, it's becoming a lot easier to deal with all these challenges and slowly evolve.
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful thought and accountability partner Katie. I can't tell you how much I appreciate being able to bounce ideas off of you.
I got a job! Thanks for getting me refocused after my crash interview! I’m very grateful for all of the support I’ve gotten...Your advice helped about the interviews, I’m glad that we talked after the first bad one. I totally owned my nervousness in the beginning of the other interview I had and really rocked it. I walked out and knew I’d be hired… thank you for you help in our sessions
I feel very.... turned on, if that makes sense? I'm finally focusing on the "fluff" things that I turned my back on before, and it feels very good, like I'm doing what I'm supposed to. Even the job hunt has been smooth and seamless. I feel very positive there too
I think that in 2017 i was lazy and unmotivated in almost every aspect of my life. If it wasn’t for work I wasn’t interested in it. Now I am motivated, Active, inspired to be creative
Thank you Katie. Having a safe space to be honest about what I'm thinking is so awesome…. thank you so very much Katie, for helping me become my best self.
Since i've started talking to you I've been feeling so much better mentally. Less breakdowns. Now maybe once in 2 weeks. Earlier it was once every 2 days.
...the biggest difference is I feel like I have a safety net feeling that I won’t fall to far down once they hit, because I have all these tools and I am taking proactive and positive steps in the right direction
This has been a tremendous help as it is! I do want to say that now that the heaviness of the job has sort of lifted I can start counting some of the positives that I’m walking away with and this experience has certainly been one of them. I so appreciate your patience and your insights, taking the time to walk me through a pretty difficult time in my career/life. So i wanted to make sure you knew how appreciative I was of you... 🙂 Thank you so much again
I feel comfortable with showing/going through pain and that the process can bring emotional healing and a new found respect for myself and my capabilities. I feel more ready instead of scared… I feel really good with delivery preparation.

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